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Re: SLL protocol implementation ?

On Sat, 25 Feb 1995, Marc Andreessen wrote:

> It's now available -- see http://www.netscape.com/info/sslref.htm
> Cheers,
> Marc
> In article <3ilacs$jtb@flop.mcom.com>, www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu wrote:
> > In article <9502231010.aa07140@uk.ac.bristol.compsci.danno>, reynes@cs.bris.ac.uk writes:
> > > Has anyone implemented the SLL protocol ?
> > > I try to do it, but it is quite complex for me ... :-)
> > 
> > The REFSSL, a reference implementation of the SSL protocol, will be
> > available shortly via ftp from Netscape Communications Corp. The code
> > is free for non-commerical use, and can also be licensed for
> > commerical use. If you have more questions, send email to
> > "ssl@netscape.com".
> > 
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Kipp E.B. Hickman          Netscape Communications Corp.
> > kipp@netscape.com          http://home.mcom.com/people/kipp/index.htm
> -- 
> Marc Andreessen
> Netscape Communications Corp.
> Mountain View, CA
> marca@netscape.com

Can someone comment on SSL versus S-http (implementation schedules not 
religous debates over which is best) ?  Is the intention to have 
secure browsers support both protocols or is this going to divide the user
community based on what browsers they have ?  What is the status on 
implementation of WWW servers using s-http vs SSL ? Is there any 
intention on making these available free for non-commerical use ? 
What's available now ! What browsers support what !  Is there any FAQ someone
on this topic ?

Please enlighten me !

Thanks in advance.

John Isaac
Turner Harper and Assoc.
C/O Martin Marietta Energy Systems
Hazwrap Information and Data Systems Program

email:  i7c@ornl.gov
url:    http://eagle.haz.ornl.gov/staff/john.htm

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